Postgraduate program accreditation reports

The Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (HAHE) certifies that the Postgraduate programs of the Athens University of Economics and Business are fully compliant with the HQA Quality Standards as well as the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) for the 7th level of the National and European Qualifications Framework.

Master's Program Report Duration
MSc in International Negotiations Accreditation Report 24/07/2023 - 23/07/2028

MSc in Public Policy and Management

Accreditation Report 24/07/2023 - 23/07/2028
MBA International Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028
MSc in Services Management Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028
MSc in Computer Science Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028
MSc in Economics Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028

MSc in Ιnternational and European Economic Studies

Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028
MSc in Digital Methods for the Humanities Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028

MSc in Financial Management

Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028

MSc in Business Analytics

Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028
Prof. MSc in Digital Transformation Accreditation Report 24/05/2024 - 23/05/2029
MSc in Accounting and Finance Accreditation Report 20/12/2023 - 19/12/2028