2nd H.E.L.I.N. Scientific Conference
The Hellenic Economic Library Network (H.E.LI.N.) is organizing the second one-day scientific conference, titled “Economic Libraries: Reservoirs of Information and Training”, on Wednesday, June 6 2018, 09.00-16.00 at the Harokopio University, in the “Georgios Karabatzos” Amphitheater, El. Venizelou 70 (Administration Building), Kallithea.
The purpose of this one-day conference is, first of all, to show how libraries, by using their new technologies, resources, and infrastructures are able to plan, develop, and provide quality information services, with an emphasis on economics, banking, industry and business. Secondly, the conference wants to show how libraries organize and offer educational and training programs on information literacy in a modern learning environment, as well as how these programs can be linked to economic literacy programs. It is addressed to scientists, researchers, librarians and information scientists, educators, university students and technical school students, as well as to anyone interested in using the resources of the economic libraries.
The program of the conference is available here.
Those who are interested in attending the conference must register electronically at http://diovi.lib.unipi.gr/index.php/2016-06-14-08-38-00.
Entrance is free, in order of priority as seating is limited. Please note that the entire conference will be in Greek
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Also, there will an interpreter for Greek sign language.
For more information, please refer to the H.E.LI.N. web page http://diovi.lib.unipi.gr/ and to the social media Facebook: ΔΙΟΒΙ and Twitter: diovi_helin.