
Access for mobility impaired people


The Study-Room of the Library is accessible by anyone who uses a wheelchair or has other problems with mobility. Α lift for mobility-disabled people is available in the staircase of central building that leads to the entrance of Study-Room. It is recommended to use Antoniadou or Derigni entrances to enter the Building.

If any user has difficulty in accessing the shelves, photocopiers or other equipment, please ask for help from staff on the Information and Enquiry Desk at the entrance of Study-Room. Additionally, if you require help or information that could take some time, we ask that some notice is given so that staff can be available when required.

Electronic access for students with print disabilities


The equal access of students with disabilities (visible and non-visible) to educational activities is a concern of every academic institution. This is achieved through the adaptation of the education environment, the inclusion of supporting technologies and the provision of services to facilitate access to premises and to knowledge.

Within the Library operates the Office of Digital Accessibility that provides support services to print disabled students. You'll find a member of the library staff at your disposal any time you need access to print and electronic textbooks.

Print disability and AMELib

Print disability is referred to Article 2 of Greek Law 4672/2020 as "any visually impaired person who cannot be improved so that the person acquires a visual function essentially equivalent to that of a person without such disability, and who for this reason cannot read publications with essentially the same discretion as a person without such a problem; a person who has a perceptual or reading disability and who is not, therefore, a person who is unable, due to physical incompetence, to hold or handle a book, or to focus or move his or her gaze, to an extent that would normally be sufficient to be able to read.

The Association of Greek Academic Libraries (Heal-LINK), has created and supports the multimodal electronic library AMELib, accessible to people with disabilities. In recent years, AMELib collection of accessible books has grown steadily  as well as the number of users, mainly students. Its collection today exceeds 2,300 titles and 5,500 different accessible formats (text files in pdf, word, daisy, ePub and audio files).

The AUEB Library participates in AMELib initiative providing access to AUEB students with print disability. User authentication is required to enter the service and a username and password is necessary. If you are a student of AUEB with a certified print disability, please fill in the online application to send you your password.

ATTENTION!!! It is necessary that you have submitted your diagnostic report to your Admin Office before completing the application form.  In case you haven't, please contact us to guide you.

Accessible textbooks

Accessibility to books, texts, academic notes, etc., for all forms of print disability, we understand that it is very important for your studies. The Library undertakes the conversion of print academic writings into accessible digital formats on behalf of students with certified print disability. It also has special software and equipment that make it easier for a print disable person to read and use a computer.

The notes and slides used in the course must be appropriately designed to appeal to all students, including print disabled. Most office applications have functionalities that increase accessibility of documents. Additionally, AMELib has posted guides to create accessible formats, as well as instructions on the use of accessibility tools.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information:

Office for Digital Accessibility of AUEB
Zoe Sotiriou
Telephone number: 210 8203492