Helen Caraveli is Associate Professor at the Department of Economics of the Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB). She holds a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of London and an M.A. degree in Development Economics from the State University of New York. She teaches Rural Development and Regional Policy of the European Union and Economic Geography. She has also taught a number of other courses, namely micro & macro-economic theory, structure & problems of the Greek economy, economic history and European Integration issues, both at the AUEB and other institutions. Her research has been focused on the impacts of the EU Common Agricultural and Rural Development Policy on European and Greek agriculture, as well as on topics related to regional inequalities and the core-periphery pattern in the EU and Greece in the new global setting. Within this framework, she has: participated in EU-funded research programmes; collaborated with European research institutes (such as the London Institute of European Environmental Policy (IEEP), the Economic and Social Cohesion Laboratory of the the European Institute (EI) of the London School of Economics (LSE) and the Hellenic Observatory of the EI/LSE - Senior Visiting Fellow 2012); presented papers in many international congresses; and published a number of articles in books and international journals (e.g. European Review of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Rural Studies, Food Policy, Environment and Planning and Journal of Economic Asymmetries). She is the author of the book “Regional Imbalances and the New Economic Geography” (2009 and 2016, in Greek). She has also collaborated with international journals as a referee (e.g. Regional Studies and Cyprus Journal of Economics) and is a member of the Regional Science Association (RSA), the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and the European Rural Development Network. Professor Caraveli speaks fluent Greek (native) and English and very good French.
Full CV:
* Το Οικονομικό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη όσον αφορά στην ακρίβεια των στοιχείων του συνοπτικού και του πλήρους βιογραφικού των μελών του προσωπικού, όπως αυτά αναρτώνται στην ιστοσελίδα του. Η ευθύνη ανήκει αποκλειστικά και μόνο στους συντάκτες των βιογραφικών σημειωμάτων.